UX design Project
BODA is a mobile application which focuses on learning new vocabulary

This is an Intro project I carried out during my project-based UX bootcamp. The goal of this project is to practice using the design process and learn the most important terms, tools, and techniques in the field of user experience design.

The given task was to build an application which can empower people to learn new vocabulary.
Role : UX Designer ( personal project )
Timeline : May 2020 - June 2020
Methods & Tools : User Research, Competitive Analysis, Creating a Persona, Usability Studies, User Flows & Task Analyses, Wireframing & Prototyping, Usability Testing
For this project I have gone through the design thinking process


The first steps of the design thinking process is Research. This is a stage to get to know the problem space and to get a feel for what kinds of issues are related to the problem I'm investigating as well as to take a look at what solutions to similar problems have already been proposed.
People who are in the age from 25 - 35 years old are likely to be busy. They may be studying hard to finish their degree or working from 9am to 6pm building their careers. On top of that, they want to do more to develop by themselves by maximizing the time they have got. This includes learning a new language, exercising, or making further degree. Therefore, they need a way to learn a new language effectively and efficiently within the limited time they have got.
Target Audience
25-35 years olds learning a new language
This application is meant to be used on-the-go for quick 5 to 10 minute study sessions. That could be on a bus or train, waiting between classes, on a lunch break, etc.
Competitive Analysis


Point of View

User Persona

Using feedback from users, I was able to identify my users’ goals and create personas. User personas help me better understand user demographics, needs, goals, emotions, behaviors, fears, and limitations.

User Stories
User stories allowed me to focus on defining functions and solutions from a specific persona’s perspective.

Hanna, I want to learn vocabulary with short video scenes from movies or series so that I can see how to use them and when to use them and learn natural Korean expressions.

As Hanna, I want to get a feedback after my Korean study so that I can see what my mistakes were and how to improve next time.

As Hanna, I want to learn words together with images of the words instead of translation so that I can memorise and associate better.

As Hanna, I want to be able to practice Korean with other people so that I can share information and improve my speaking skill as well as I can have more fun.

As Hanna, I want to be able to learn Korean in a structured way so that I can learn Korean step by step.
Problem Statement
[ Hanna ] needs a way to [ learn vocabulary and expressions with certain situations ] because [ knowing when to and how to use vocabulary can help her actually utilise the language better ] We will know this to be true when we see that [ Hanna can speak Korean more naturally and understand a conversation between her in-laws more. ]
Hypothesis Statement
I believe that by [ teaching new vocabularies using short videos from movies or soap operas ] for Hanna, I will achieve [ that she will be able to continue studying Korean with joy and make a small conversation with her in-laws in Korea.]


User Flows
Once I understand what your users are trying to accomplish, I map out user flows.

Task Analysis
_ Learning a new vocabulary set
Entry point _ Opening the app
Success Criteria _ Users learned a new vocabulary set and tested themselves on what they have just learned.

1. Opening the app
2. Getting started or Registering via Facebook, Gmail, E-mail
3. Choosing the language the user wants to translate in Korean from (user’s mothertongue )
4. Choosing a skill level
4. Choosing a topic
5. Learning the vocabulary set the user chose
6. Testing what the user has just learned
7. Searching another topic to learn more
8. Reviewing vocabulary

Task Analysis |
Asking a Korean language question on the student chat room
Entry point | Opening the app
Success Criteria | The user got responses over her question

1. Opening the app
2. Registering or Logging into the app [ to be able to access student community, registering the app is needed ]
3. Going to the student community feature
4. Clicking real-time group chat
5. Asking a question / questions on the chat room
6. Checking responses
7. Storing responses


Wireframing & Prototyping
With user flows in hand, I now know what steps are necessary for users to complete tasks via my application or service. Next, I visually brainstormed solutions for each of those steps by creating wireframes.

After wireframing phase, I created prototypes as a quick implementations of a final product created to test user experience at an early point within the project timeline.
I conduct usability tests to better understand how people interact with my product. I focused on the primary tasks identified in the strategy and persona stage.
I particularly enjoyed research part such as conducting a competitive analysis and user interview. Creating persona based on the interview result was also enjoyable.

Conducting competitive analysis was a great chance to learn about competitors' strengths and weaknesses. They are all categorized as a language learning app, but every app is different and unique. By having interviews with people with different backgrounds and locations was enjoyable. This time I could learn how differently people learn a new language and what are similarities, which in turn help me understand human behaviour.

The biggest lesson for me from this project is users have already experienced good services and products. They have high expectations towards new products. Therefore, their opinions and thoughts are critical to pay attention in order to create a useful and usable product.

Want to work together?

If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!