Shop Design in IKEA

Shop Designer [ Visual Merchandising & Interior Design ]
IKEA Ludwigsburg Germany _ Dec 2016 - Present

- Designing customer experience in consideration of commercial impact and operations.
To do so, I observe customers in the shop, communicate with sales, and visit customers’ homes as well as work with related teams of sales, logistics, customer experience, and technology.

- Working as a Life At Home specialist and applied the information I researched onto a store by providing visitors regionally specialized solutions for their homes.

- Traveled to support projects and actively engaged in each project to get the project properly complete within a limited time by learning how to collaborate with diverse people.

- Joined a new IKEA store project and designed several spots with new principles from scratch by actively communicating with related teams such as head office, sales, and logistics.
Sofa Area Remodeling Project
Creating a room for friend
New Staircase Wall Planning Project
Planning Studio Design Project
Designer Product Presentation
Projects in 2018 & 2019